Delegation and Least Privilege in Entra ID, Part 1

April 25, 2024
1 min read

Least Privilege plays a crucial role in designing a security model in an environment and eventually moving to a Zero Trust approach. The previous video series (click here), we discussed Delegation in Active Directory and how to design a delegation model based on the concept of least privilege. However, Entra ID as a trending Identity Provider, needs to be treated the same way.

So, in this video we discuss the main concepts like role, permissions, scopes, administrative unit and prepare ourselves for real implementation of the delegation model in Entra ID coming in next video.

Mahdi Tehrani

Mahdi Tehrani

Mahdi Tehrani has been involved with Active Directory and Azure AD for about 10 years. He works as an IAM consultant for “iC Consult” and his fields of expertise are around anything Active Directory, PowerShell, Azure AD and identity solutions including Quest One Identity.