Ragnar Heil


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Ragnar is a Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Microsoft 365 Office Apps and Services. He works at Rencore as a Global Director of Partners and Alliances. Together with MVP Alexander Egger, he hosts the “Alex & Ragnar Show,” a bi-weekly Video Live Stream about Microsoft 365 Hybrid Workplace. Ragnar is a blogger and podcaster, headset geek, and core-member of Viva Explorers Community. He has an M.A. in Social Science and an Executive MBA, and has also published several books and articles about modern work.

Published by Ragnar Heil

Microsoft Launches Loop Web and Mobile App: First Look and Comparison with Notion

- 11 min read-Ragnar Heil
This post introduces Microsoft Loop, talks about its value proposition for business users, and explains why it's different from Notion – and not just a copy.